Feed Our Needs Etiquette Luncheon at PS 59

Every last Wednesday of the month, Arete hosts an Etiquette Luncheon at PS 59 where students are invited to go out to eat at a local restaurant and participate in an etiquette class. 


Students are invited through a selection process that involves observing their behavior during their daily lunch periods. If students adhere to cafeteria and playground rules during the regular school lunch periods, they are called to participate in the Etiquette Luncheon. 


On Wednesday, selected students are gathered together during their lunch period for an etiquette class with Alejandra Figueroa (Community School Director) and Ms. Crawford (Substance Abuse Prevention and Intervention Specialist). This class consists of basic table manners, appropriate body language, and properly greeting others. Moreover, students are prompted to have meaningful conversations and make friends - positive table talk. 

Selected students express excitement and pride when they are invited to participate for this event! After having lunch at the local restaurant, students return to school enthusiastically to discuss their experience of learning respectful mannerisms and getting the opportunity to go out to eat. Restaurants for these events also happen to be within the community, selected as part of the Arete Feed Our Needs initiative that supports and promotes local Black- and Brown-owned businesses. In essence,  these luncheons help foster an environment where students are stimulated by the process of learning new skills while also getting the chance to explore a new restaurant. This helps engage students with the local restaurants and establish a sense of community!

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