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dance class collage

Nurturing Dance and Music in Education: Highlighting Dance Clubs at Partner Sites

Programming at Arete Education’s 3 partner school sites redefines the learning landscape by integrating dance clubs into the afterschool curriculum. These clubs offer students a unique opportunity to receive dance training within the school environment. By fostering creativity, confidence, and community, Arete Education’s dance programming ignites a passion for the arts and enriches students' educational experiences!


At PS 59: The Dawn Best School and The Laboratory School of Finance and Technology, SNS Artistry emphasizes the importance of dance and music in education. Their mission is clear and compelling: to provide students with the opportunity to receive quality training in dance and music within the school system. By doing so, they aim to ignite a lifelong passion for dance and music in young minds.


SNS Artistry's approach to teaching is as diverse as their student body. Catering to all grades and groups, they understand that each student is unique. The structure of their programs depends on the attention level, ambition, and enthusiasm of each group. Whether it's hip-hop, salsa, or bachata, the dance styles taught are chosen based on the students' ability to comprehend and understand timing, rhythm, and retention.


One of the significant incentives for students is the love for dance and music that SNS Artistry fosters through their sessions. This passion is showcased through end-of-season performances. These performances are a way for students to exhibit the skills they have learned in front of an audience, boosting their confidence and sense of achievement. Additionally, these performances are more than just a showcase of talent; they are a celebration of hard work, dedication, and community.


The success stories emerging from SNS Artistry's programs are numerous. Many students remain in the program throughout their school years, eventually joining dance companies outside the classroom. The program's impact goes beyond teaching dance moves; it builds confidence, emotional intelligence, and perseverance. Students learn to push through challenges, influencing a growth mindset that serves them well, not just in dance but with academic and social development. 


Moreover, the program promotes the development of lifelong friendships. Students from different age ranges and with varied interests come together through dance. This community helps them develop essential interpersonal skills.


For the instructors, Steven and Steffani, the most rewarding part of their work is watching the students grow. There is immense joy in seeing young, bright minds evolve into confident individuals. The journey doesn't end when students leave the school; many keep in touch, and teachers witness their progress as they grow older. 


“It's a blessing to see these young individuals become who they were meant to be!” - Steffani 


Through these programs dedicated to dance, students gain more than just artistic skills. They learn about determination, build friendships, and develop a love for the arts that lasts a lifetime!

 - 07/18/2024 - Anthony Ramirez Diaz
carnival and celebration of colors 2024

A Colorful June Celebration at P.S. 59: Welcoming Summer and Honoring Hard Work

In June, Arete proudly celebrated the students of P.S. 59 with two joyous events: the Celebration of Colors and a vibrant carnival. These events were not just a way to  honor the students' dedication and perseverance throughout the academic year but also to mark the beginning of summer!


Celebration of Colors

On June 20th, the Celebration of Colors was a lively and heartwarming event designed to  acknowledge the students' hard work in preparing for and completing major assessments and exams, celebrate the accomplishments of graduating students, and welcome the summer season. The event was filled with vibrant colors, symbolizing the diverse and dynamic community of P.S. 59. It was a time for students to unwind and enjoy the festive atmosphere after the rigors of their academic endeavors!


Carnival Fun

On June 10th, the carnival brought a wave of excitement and joy to P.S. 59. Students had a blast jumping inside the bouncy house, getting their faces painted with colorful designs, roller skating, and engaging in fun carnival games!The carnival also featured a variety of differently-shaped balloons, adding to the fun and playful environment. The school grounds echoed with laughter and cheer as students enjoyed the numerous activities and celebrated the end of a challenging yet rewarding academic year!


As the academic school year came to an end, P.S. 59 was transformed into a haven of joy and companionship, filled with smiles and laughter, as the school community came together to celebrate the end of the school year and the beginning of summer. These events highlighted the importance of taking time to appreciate and celebrate achievements, fostering a sense of unity and pride within the school!

 - 07/12/2024 - Anthony Ramirez Diaz
black voices unfiltered

Empowering Youth through the Voices Unfiltered Podcast Network

The Media Performing Arts Division at The High School for Media and Communication (HSMC), alongside Spanglish Voces, is proud to inaugurate their latest project - the Voices Unfiltered Podcast Network! This innovative platform aims to empower youth by providing them with an outlet to express themselves freely while honing their critical thinking, writing, and research skills.

The mission of the Voices Unfiltered Podcast Network is to give power to youth voices by fostering confidence and providing opportunities for self-expression. Supported by Artistic Director and Teaching Artist Zulaika Valezquez, students will share their diverse and personal stories, ideas, and perspectives. By encouraging them to pursue their passions and create high-quality content, the initiative aims to instill a sense of agency and advocacy in these young adults. 

One of the primary goals of the Voices Unfiltered Podcast Network is to amplify marginalized voices and narratives. In collaboration with HSMC students, the new podcast, “Black Voices Unfiltered," seeks to shine a light on the experiences Black youth. This initiative aims to provide a space for understanding, empathy, and solidarity within the broader community.

Through the creation of their own podcasts, students involved in this project will gain valuable hands-on experience and improve their abilities in media and communications. Furthermore, the Voices Unfiltered Podcast Network serves as a catalyst for meaningful conversations and community engagement, ultimately, being a powerful platform for youth empowerment and social change!

Check out the podcast here: Black Voices Unfiltered Podcast

 - 03/27/2024 - Anthony Ramirez Diaz
black history month programming

Celebrating Black History Month at PS 59: Honoring Inventors, Icons, and Activists

At PS 59, thanks to Alejandra Figueroa’s design and planning of these experiences, teachers engaged students in a diverse array of programming aimed at educating, inspiring, and celebrating Black identity and history!

The Phoenix Explorers students are delving into the realm of STEM through the lens of African American inventors. From groundbreaking discoveries to revolutionary inventions, students are learning about the various contributions made by African Americans. 

Each grade level at PS 59 has been assigned a specific theme, ensuring a comprehensive exploration of black excellence across various domains.

In the 3K and PreK classes, young learners are immersing themselves in the world of politics as they study prominent Black politicians. Through this, students gained insight into the power of advocacy and leadership!

For 3rd graders, the focus shifts to the realm of dance, with students exploring the lives and legacies of iconic Black dancers. Students celebrated the artistry and cultural significance of dance as a form of expression and resistance!

4th graders focused on the world of athletics, exploring the achievements of African American sports figures who have shattered barriers and redefined the meaning of excellence on the field, court, and track!

In the 5th grade classrooms, students learned about civil rights pioneers and contemporary advocates. They were inspired from activists who have dedicated their lives to fighting for justice, equality, and human rights. These young students are learning valuable lessons about the power of activism and the importance of speaking out against injustice!

One of the highlights of the programming for Black History Month is the Wax Museum, an interactive and educational experience where students bring historical figures to life. 

The Black History Month programming at P.S. 59 is committed to fostering an inclusive and empowering learning environment where every student feels seen, heard, and valued. By highlighting the achievements and contributions of African Americans, the school is not only honoring the past but also motivating the future generations to fight for a better and more equitable future!

 - 03/22/2024 - Anthony Ramirez Diaz
arete alumni feature - Mariyam Sumareh

Arete Alumni Feature - Mariyam Sumareh

Meet Mariyam Sumareh - LSFT Class of 2020 and a rising senior at New York University majoring Sports Management and minoring Public Policy and Management

Her involvement with Arete as an employee began back in 2020 as a senior at The Laboratory School of Finance and Technology forming part of the internship team. She was a tutor to three 8th grade students. Being a tutor provided her with connections she did not know she would have made. She connected with her tutees on a more personal level on top of providing them with educational support during the peak of the pandemic. She noticed that these tutor-tutee relationships helped her reflect on how she saw herself in the younger kids and made her realize that she could become a mentor to them. She made sure the students felt validated about their passions. She was not just a tutor but someone that students could lean on socially, emotionally, and academically. 

After being a tutor, Mariyam became a Youth Service Leadership Fellow where she conducted leadership initiatives for grades 6-12, helped with the adaptation of virtual learning and became a spokesperson to donors and guests. After this, she took on the role of Project Coordinator for Summer Bridge/Rising. During her 2021 summer role, she mainly did administrative work. Her other responsibilities involved outreach which included updating families about student progress. She also curated weekly vlogs for the summer rising program and communicated with program donors. She then got promoted to Program Coordinator for College and Career Access. Here, she oversaw high school student activities during afterschool programs and managed attendance for 400+ people. She supported weekly and monthly attendance reports for the senior leadership team. On top of that, she made phone calls and wrote letters to donors and also maintained a digital alumni database . Additionally, during her time in this role, she started up the Arete Alumni Council where they held monthly events, such as financial literacy, resume building, Feed our Needs events, and Alumni Day. 

Currently, Mariyam works as an Admin Operations Associate. She is in charge of various operational needs like keeping inventory on school supplies, ordering supplies and storing items in the office, and organizing electronic files (paystubs, alumni contracts, etc.). She ensures that students get stipends in a timely manner and administers the onboarding process of staff to ensure they get offer letters. Moreover, she serves as support for human resources responsibilities. This means that she tackles operational issues, creates guides on how to clock in and clock out, provides assistance on accessing paycom and timesheets, and produces basic employee manuals. Not only is she the go-to person for employee assistance, but she also helps the President of Arete, Sarah Benis Scheier-Dolberg, find prospective donors, have access to an alumni database, and keep alumni contact information organized! 

One thing that Mariyam is immensely grateful for is the ability to grow as an individual with the help of Arete. She recalled that when she first started working with Arete, she possessed a student mindset where her main goal was to just do what needed to be done; however, as she progressed throughout her various roles, she gained leadership skills as she took on more responsibilities. Through this, she has been able to tap into her leadership skills whether it be leading groups or leading behind the scenes. She is constantly pushed to do better and improve on her time management, organization, networking, leadership, and mindfulness skills. She is proud of being able to create a space where everyone is able to adapt and do what they have to do - something that Arete has enabled her to do easily!

A second thing that she values about Arete is Arete’s involvement in her life but also with everyone that is part of the organization. She became exposed to Social Emotional Learning that taught her that it is imperative to check in and make sure you and everyone around you is doing and feeling well. Having the opportunity to debrief and be mindful of these emotions allowed her and her colleagues to perform better within their roles. “Arete definitely cares about their staff!” exclaimed Mariyam as she explained that Arete asks their employees about their feelings and opinions on certain projects instead of just being told what to do. Being asked for personal input makes Mariyam feel welcomed and validated. As a former LSFT student and current Arete employee, she is able to provide a new and youthful perspective on certain events and makes her feel valued as a member of this organization. On top of that, Mariyam enjoys seeing that Arete organizes important events that are beneficial and dear to the communities they serve (Juneteenth, Feed Our Needs, hotline and family services, Eid celebrations, etc.). Also, the fact that Arete is expanding shows that they care about service and are constantly striving for more! One last thing Mariyam underscores is that although what she is studying is different to what she does within Arete, she is able to gain transferable skills that help support her career goals (youth engagement, consistency, empathy, being supported and being supportive). 

 - 07/11/2023 - Anthony Ramirez Diaz
ps 59 disney production

P.S. 59 Presents Disney's The Lion King Kids!

On June 6th and 7th, students at P.S. 59 William Floyd Elementary School welcomed the Brooklyn community for an amazing Disney experience: The Lion King!


Weeks prior to the show, students worked hard to put on an amazing Disney performance in the beginning of June. They eagerly rehearsed and constructed their costumes by hand! A fellow Arete staff member, Solange, was in charge of doing the students’ makeup for the performance. On top of that, students were also taken to see the Lion King Live on Broadway to learn more about theatrical performances. 

Thanks to the implementation of the new Industry Room at P.S. 59, students become motivated to indulge in the arts and participate in various arts-based programming that will ultimately strengthen academic performance. Through performances, assemblies, and the physical space offered in the Industry room, students are able to explore different interests, hobbies, and passions. One of the special projects as a result of these opportunities is the Lion King Kids - Disney Jr. Production. With this special production, students have been granted the opportunity to learn more about set design, stage production, acting and character development, and even have the chance to exhibit their own theatrical skills. Congratulations to all the students and staff who formed part of this production - what an amazing spectacle!

 - 07/06/2023 - Anthony Ramirez Diaz
Eid Celebration 2023

Eid Celebration 2023

Last month, we welcomed the Mott Haven community to join us and the local Muslim community at The Laboratory School of Finance and Technology for a celebratory Eid-al-Fitr event! Attendees engaged in various activities like playing dominoes, taking pictures, enjoying food and snacks, and ultimately spent valuable time with one another. Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Eid celebration!


 - 05/16/2023 - Anthony Ramirez Diaz
leslie rivas arete alumni feature

Arete Alumni Feature - Leslie Rivas

Meet Leslie Rivas - a third year student at Lehman College studying English Creative Writing with a minor in Middle and High School Education!


Her journey with Arete started during high school at The Laboratory School of Finance and Technology where she and her friend, Chanel (also an Arete employee), started up an afterschool Book Club. This idea came to be after Leslie and Chanel happened to be discussing about books they previously had read in middle and high school. Both had the brilliant idea to organize a space where a group of students could gather together and read books they’ve heard about and give an honest review of what they thought as they read. 

“Starting up a book club made me realize that I actually enjoyed reading and it also made me realize that academically, I did well in my English classes,” exclaimed Leslie. In retrospect, this experience, that Arete fostered, allowed for Leslie to grow a passion for literature and become an English major in college and aspiring to become an English teacher. From this moment forward, she began to feel connected with Arete as they helped fund the program and gave them the opportunity to propose different ideas for their book club. On top of that, she was able to see first-hand what Arete’s mission was - acquire brand new books that may not have been accessible through LSFT and receive small journals for note taking. 


During her senior year of high school, Leslie also formed part of the tutoring internship program. She recalls that being part of the internship helped her grow as a person and professionally. Around the time she had joined the program, she was still confused on what college she wanted to attend and what she wanted to major in. However, being able to work with students one-on-one made her realize that maybe she could go into the field of education. As a tutor, she also developed leadership and effective communication skills while also learning how to multitask. 


Not only has Arete helped Leslie academically, socially, and professionally grow within the organization, but also through external partnerships. During the summer of 2022, Leslie was able to work with Funfab where she gained more experience in working with high school students. Leslie is grateful to Arete for presenting her with an excellent opportunity where she could network outside of Arete. Here, she would apply the experience she had gained through her previous work within Arete while also gaining new skills necessary for the education field. 


Now, she is currently a Book Club and Table Tennis instructor for Arete. Her scope of work as Book Club instructor consists of  getting students to have an interest in different books and increase their reading scores. As for table tennis, she facilitates an environment where students are able to learn a new sport and develop many different skills, such as hand-eye coordination.  


“Through Arete, I am able to solidify my leadership and organizational skills by working with students and being able to run a club.” Leslie reiterates that these roles helped her flourish professionally by also challenging her to work with different kinds of kids, making her figure out and use different methods that work with each kid individually. Not only is she gaining personal skills, but also gaining insight on different age groups and teaching styles that she can use to approach others!

 - 04/12/2023 - Anthony Ramirez Diaz
Chanel de los Santos

Arete Alumni Feature - Chanel de los Santos

Meet Chanel de los Santos - a third year student at Barnard College majoring in Africana Studies and English!


Her journey with Arete started when she was a high school student at The Laboratory School of Finance and Technology. Her and her friend, Leslie (another Arete employee) had the amazing idea to start up a book club. Chanel asserts that starting up this club gave her a sense of responsibility as she had the tasks of curating and giving out topics for each session, sending out professional outreach emails for books and supplies, and coordinating events for the club. This would not have been possible without the support of Arete!


On top of starting up a book club in high school, Chanel also became a tutor. She wanted to become a tutor because she wanted to explore different fields and tutoring was something new to her. As a tutor, she developed the ability to be a leader and acquire skills such as outreach, problem solving, and initiative. 


During her sophomore year of college, Chanel formed part of the Arete Alumni Council. As secretary, she scheduled meetings, met with committee members and the president of the council, and kept an organized system to effectively coordinate events. Now, she is a supervisor for the Teaching Internship program where outside of logistical work, she helps interns in the program learn valuable skills such as lesson planning, mentoring, initiative and the ability to teach a student with various strategies. 


Chanel is grateful for the environment Arete fostered where she was able to professionally develop and gain different necessary skills like communication and networking. She has done a lot of communicating with various types of people in various industries and learned how to navigate a more professional space, as well as build connections along the way, thanks to the roles she has had!

 - 04/12/2023 - Anthony Ramirez Diaz
Family Cover Smile

Feed Our Needs - 2022 Round Up

Over Two Years: 1,700 Families Served

As the year comes to a close, Arete Education and The Collective Black Employee Resource Group (CFBERG) wanted to thank you for your generosity and support for the Feed Our Needs campaign. For the last two years were we able to raise $40,250 that was critical in supporting disenfranchised communities, as food insecurity continues to increase. 

Your contributions during challenging times enabled us to support Black- and Brown-owned restaurants who were key in sourcing meals that were distributed in the Bronx and Harlem. To date we have been able to feed over 1700 families and students, and in 2022 we partnered with JFFNYC who helped us to reach more families in need. We hope to continue this partnership and drive our mission investing in youth across New York City, we need your support to fulfill this mission in our communities. 

How You Can Help

We have several upcoming events that we need your help with in January! You can help pack warm clothing bags for families and serve hot meals at our next Feed Our Needs events during MLK Jr. Weekend (January 16th). Find out more ››

Our Impact

Across the city, you have helped make a difference in our communities! Since 2020, we have partnered with local NYC restaurants, The Collective CF BERG, South Bronx Mutual Aid, The Lab School, Harlem Police Athletic League, Harlem Lacrosse, Carvers Savings Bank, and Zeta Boule Fraternity.


Help Raise Funds for 2023 Events

We are actively fundraising now for our 2023 events. Please consider supporting us by or volunteering or OR making a donation..

 - 12/14/2022 - sbsd@areteeducation.org

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