Splashing into Summer Bridge

As the Summer Bridge Program continues staff members, program coordinators and interns have all come together to develop an organized water play activities for the students while still following COVID-19 guidelines.

Splash Organized Water Play Activities

The activities consisted of two different games lasting 30 minutes each for every class divided by their enrichment clubs. First, we have Battle of Enrichment Clubs (Water Balloon Toss) consisting of two teams. The instructions were well developed giving the students an understatement of how the game worked.

"Thank you for letting us have this much fun"- 6th grader 

Second, we have the Fishing Pool, on the way our students will have the opportunity to grab water ducks giving them all prices! Many students enjoy the weather while playing games and having fun!


Our host Amy Arizmendi at her full potential giving the participants positive attitude!

Here we have Staff Members directing students how the game works!

We have more surprises coming along...
Stay Tuned!!

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