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Hope and Opportunity in Times of Crisis

April 15, 2020

We are in crisis and will continue to be in crisis. The families and students we serve in Mott Haven will be hit harder by COVID-19 than most in the nation due to the decades of historical and structural inequities that erect barriers to accessing healthcare, employment, and educational opportunities.

Not only does The Bronx have the highest number of fatalities as a share of its population of any borough — its death rate is also growing the fastest, THE CITY’s analysis of city Health Department data suggests. -Mott Haven Herald, ESE OLUMHENSE AND ANN CHOI

At the same time the Bronx is a community of strength, hope, and opportunity. With community-based relief efforts under way, political advocates, nonprofits, and governmental agencies are leading the way to spotlight gaps and opportunities for Mott Haven youth and families.

How do we move forward from here?

Areté Education is committed to responding to the COVID-19 crisis with hope and opportunity. In the face of staggeringly comprehensive environmental stressors experienced by our students, families, and staff, we are designing remote learning programming, professional learning, and direct services to the 700 youth (and their families) that we serve in Mott Haven.

Since the NYC DOE announced the shift to Remote Learning in mid-March, we have been offering supplemental enrichment and wellness programming for over 250 students online at The Laboratory School of Finance and Technology through video conferencing with educators and peers as well as virtual classroom experiences. Areté and the Lab School have been supported significantly in these efforts by our partnerships with the NYC DOE Office of Community Schools, ExpandED Schools, Hayden Foundation, Heckscher Foundation, and DreamYard.

We are beginning to shift to offer open access programming on social media channels such as Instagram, Tik Tok, and Zoom. As our staff expand their capacities from an on-site service delivery model to digital platforms, we expect Areté to learn and grow to better meet the needs and interests and showcase the talents of the youth we serve. Areté is also working to convert our Census 2020 Youth Leadership Initiative into an online workshop for completing the household census online. For the past five weeks, we have been curating open source content dedicated to COVID-19 Responses by Educators and Youth Development Agencies.

Through a volunteer network, we have secured 20 hotspots for families unable to access wifi, cell, or other internet services through home access or DOE-provided devices. Similarly, Areté is setting up volunteer systems for accepting donations for grocery delivery service to our families facing enormous financial obstacles.

Our most ambitious project on the horizon is an Areté Family Hotline initiative modeled on the Baltimore Neighborhood Network where we will be able to retrain and redeploy our part-time youth development employees from on-site youth programming to staffing a phone line and support team providing referrals and resources for the environmental stressors relating to COVID-19. Similar to the context in Baltimore, we anticipate that our staff, and eventually neighborhood volunteers, will be eager to give back to Mott Haven youth and families through answering the phone with empathy, timely resources, and an opportunity to connect during a context quarantine and unprecedented social isolation.

It has been only a month since we suspended on-site programming for our students and families. The entire world has changed in that time. We are eager to meet crisis and challenge with hope and opportunity.




 - 04/15/2020 - sbsd@areteeducation.org

Areté 2020 Census Leadership Campaign

Arete Education and The Lab School aim to register at least 50 youth (ages 18-22) and 50 adults to successfully apply for and gain part-time or full-time employment as Census field workers, office workers, and/or supervisors in Mott Haven by March 2020. 

The Bronx is a hard-to-count community: just over half of the households (56%) self-responded for the 2010 Census, compared to 75% of households nationwide. The 2020 Census will determine how funds are spent in communities on thing like roads, schools, and hospitals. The fewer people counted in the Bronx, the fewer Federal tax dollars are spent on Bronx schools, hospitals, roads, transportation, and other community programs.

Arete will host Census Hiring Events on select Saturdays in February and March at the Lab School (360 E 145th Street, Bronx 10454)

    • February 29 (11 am - 2 pm)
    • March 14 (11 am - 2 pm)
    • March 21 (11 am - 2 pm)
    • March 28 (11 am - 2 pm)

Census 2020 jobs in NYC pay $28/hour, include flexible hours, pay weekly, and include training.

2020 Census Job Qualifications

You may be eligible if:

• You are a U.S. citizen.

• You are at least 18 years old.

• You have a valid Social Security number.

• You have a valid e-mail address.

• You complete an application and assessment questions. (For some positions, the assessment questions may be available in Spanish; however, an English Proficiency Test may also be required.)

• You are registered with the Selective Service System if you are a male born after December 31, 1959.

• You pass a criminal background check and a review of criminal records (including fingerprinting) as part of the Census Bureau's hiring process.

• You do not engage in any partisan political activity while on duty.

• Your current employment (including law and regulatory enforcement jobs) is compatible with Census Bureau employment (reviewed on a case-by-case basis).

• You are available to work flexible hours, including days, evenings, and/or weekends.

• You commit to completing training. (If offered a job, you will be paid for this training at a training pay rate.)

Most jobs require employees to:

• Have access to a vehicle and a valid driver’s license, unless public transportation is readily available.

• Have access to a computer with Internet and an e-mail account (to complete training).


Engage Others | Share the Campaign

For More Information: Census 2020 Afterschool Toolkit

 - 02/22/2020 - sbsd@areteeducation.org

Ayúdenos a Apoyar la Reconstrucción Escolar en Puerto Rico

Estimados Amigos de Arete Education, 

Arete Education está comprometida con la misión de servicio y administración comunitaria, y el aprendizaje experimental que desafía el status quo con apoyo académico, social y emocional para los estudiantes en la escuela a la que asisten. En nuestra comunidad de Mott Haven del sur del Bronx, muchas familias se vieron profundamente afectadas por los recientes terremotos en el sur de Puerto Rico. Numerosos estudiantes y personal tienen familias en las comunidades del sur de Puerto Rico, incluyendo Guayanilla, Ponce, Yauco, Guánica y más. Como parte de nuestro compromiso con el diálogo socioemocional en nuestros programas existentes, muchos de nuestros estudiantes han expresado su preocupación por las condiciones que enfrentan las familias y los seres queridos en el sur de la isla.

A través del diálogo con los defensores de la comunidad en Guayanilla, supimos de La Escuela Solidaria SE, una escuela comunitaria de emergencia que actualmente está siendo diseñada y establecida por voluntarios de la comunidad en Guayanilla con el apoyo de los miembros de nuestro personal de Arete y personal de la escuela MS/HS 223 The Laboratory School of Finance and Technology. Nuestra Subdirectora de Programación de Escuelas Intermedias (Supervisión y Apoyo de Operaciones) y Directora del Programa de Idiomas Duales, la Sra. Ariadna Phillips, ha estado apoyando a los defensores de la comunidad en el desarrollo de este sitio escolar temporal ya que las escuelas en Guayanilla han estado cerradas desde el terremoto inicial y los cientos de eventos sísmicos posteriores desde finales de diciembre de 2019. La Sra. Phillips viajará a Puerto Rico a mediados de febrero de 2020 para apoyar aún más la entrega y distribución de materiales a maestros y voluntarios de la comunidad en La Escuela Solidaria SE.

Como comunidad en sociedad con nuestras familias en la Diáspora, les pedimos a nuestros amigos y partidarios de este trabajo que consideren donar para patrocinar útiles escolares y refugios temporales para nuestros amigos en La Escuela Solidaria en Guayanilla. El patrocinio directo de los suministros necesarios se puede hacer a través de nuestra lista de deseos de Amazon, o se puede hacer una donación a través de la página de donaciones de Arete Education con la designación "Patrocinio escolar de Guayanilla". También se pueden hacer donaciones para el costo de envío de libros y suministros donados que nos ha enviado nuestra comunidad escolar con amor para La Escuela Solidaria SE.

Escrito por Sra. Ariadna Phillips
 - 02/06/2020 - sbsd@areteeducation.org
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Posada 2019

December 18, 2019 | 18 de diciembre de 2019

5:15-6:45 pm

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